R2. Do services take account of the particular needs and choices of different people?
R2.1 How are services delivered, made accessible and coordinated to take account of the needs of different people, including those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act and those in vulnerable circumstances?
R2.2 How are services delivered and coordinated to be accessible and responsive to people with complex needs?
R2.3 How are people supported during referral, transfer between services and discharge?
R2.4 Are reasonable adjustments made so that people with a disability can access and use services on an equal basis to others?
R2.5 Do key staff work across services to coordinate people's involvement with families and carers, particularly for those with multiple long-term conditions?

Applies to community health services, specialist mental health services and specialist substance misuse services
R2.6 Where the service is responsible, how are people encouraged to develop and maintain relationships with people that matter to them, both within the service and the wider community?

Applies to community health services, specialist mental health services and specialist substance misuse services
R2.7 Where the service is responsible, how are people supported to follow their interests and take part in activities that are socially and culturally relevant and appropriate to them, including in the wider community and, where appropriate, to have access to education and work opportunities?

Applies to acute and community health services only where the health service includes end of life care
R2.8 How are services delivered and coordinated to ensure that people who may be approaching the end of their life are identified, including those with a protected equality characteristic and people whose circumstances may make them vulnerable, and that this information is shared?

Does not apply to dentists, or to ambulance, NHS 111 or specialist mental health services,
Applies to acute and community health services only where the health service includes end of life care
R2.9 How are people who may be approaching the end of their life supported to make informed choices about their care? Are people's decisions documented and delivered through a personalised care plan and shared with others who may need to be informed?

Does not apply to dentists, or to NHS 111 or specialist mental health services.
Applies to acute and community health services only where the health service includes end of life care
R2.10 If any treatment is changed or withdrawn, what are the processes to ensure that this is managed openly and sensitively so that people have a comfortable and dignified death?
Snippet for healthcare assessment framework pages: this page is for healthcare
This page is for:
- healthcare services