R1. How do people receive personalised care that is responsive to their needs?
R1.1 How do people, or those with authority to act on their behalf, contribute to planning their care and support, and how are their strengths, levels of independence and quality of life taken into account?
R1.2 How does the service make sure that a person’s care plan fully reflects their physical, mental, emotional and social needs, including on the grounds of protected characteristics under the Equality Act? These should include their personal history, individual preferences, interests and aspirations, and should be understood by staff so people have as much choice and control as possible.

Applies to services that provide or support activities, hobbies, community contact, employment and education support as well as personal care
R1.3 Where the service is responsible, how are people supported to follow their interests and take part in activities that are socially and culturally relevant and appropriate to them, including in the wider community, and where appropriate, have access to education and work opportunities?

Applies to services that enable or support contact with families, friends and others in the community as well as personal care
R1.4 Where the service is responsible, how are people encouraged and supported to develop and maintain relationships with people that matter to them, both within the service and the wider community, and to avoid social isolation?
R1.5 How does the service identify and meet the information and communication needs of people with a disability or sensory loss? How does it record, highlight and share this information with others when required, and gain people’s consent to do so?
R1.6 How is technology used to support people to receive timely care and support? Is the technology (including telephone systems, call systems and online/digital services) easy to use?
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KLOEs and ratings characteristics for adult social care services
KLOEs and ratings characteristics for adult social care services (with changes from 2015 versions)
Sources of evidence: what our inspectors look at against each KLOE
KLOEs mapped to requirements regulated by CQC for adult social care services
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- adult social care services