The Care Quality Commission (CQC), has rated Lillie-Rose Home Care as outstanding following its first inspection in January.
The service, run by Lillie-Rose Home Care Limited, provides care and support to people in their own homes. The service supports older and younger people, people living with dementia and people with physical disabilities.
Following this inspection, CQC has rated the service outstanding overall as well as for how caring and well-led it is. How safe, effective and responsive the service is, has been rated as good.
Greg Rielly, CQC deputy director of operations in the midlands, said:
During our inspection of Lillie-Rose Home Care, we found an organisation that cares deeply about providing people with the very best care and support possible. Leaders and staff had created a shared vision and culture that was based on listening, learning and trust which had a positive impact on people using the service.
People and relatives spoke positively about the quality of their care and described being treated with kindness and compassion. Staff fully involved people and their relatives in planning their care, treating them as individuals with care that effectively met their needs and preferences.
People’s care plans also included an all about me section with detailed information on people’s likes and dislikes, life history, next of kin, hobbies and interests as well as any advanced decisions. Leaders matched staff to people based on these preferences.
Lillie-Rose Home Care was providing the basics of safe, effective and responsive care really well, which meant they were able to spend time looking beyond this on how to support people’s wellbeing and make an exceptional difference to their lives. One person told us staff regularly drive them to visit a relative in a care home. Staff supported another person to meet up with a friend as they were unable to visit each other independently. They organised transport, surprise activities and even small gifts on special occasions.
The service supported people to manage their health and wellbeing to maximise their independence, choice and control. It was also very impressive to see staff supporting people to live healthier lives which could help reduce the need for care and support in the future.
Leaders were always visible, knowledgeable and supportive, consistently helping staff develop in their roles to maintain high quality care and continually improve the service.
Leaders and staff at Lillie-Rose Home Care should be proud of the many positive findings of this report and the high-quality care they are providing.
Inspectors found:
- People knew how to give feedback or make complaints and were confident the service took these seriously and acted on it. Leaders regularly collected feedback through surveys, phone calls and regular check ins.
- The service regularly reviewed people’s health, care, wellbeing and communication needs with them, which meant they could effectively update and monitor care plans and risk assessments.
- The service made sure that there was always enough staff with the right skills, knowledge and experience to keep people safe.
- Leaders had the knowledge and credibility to lead effectively. Leaders supported staff wellbeing and treated them equally. Staff felt comfortable providing feedback and had confidence in the management team.
- Staff helped people to understand their care and treatment so that they could make informed decisions. Staff involved relatives and families in making decisions in people’s best interests where they did not have capacity.
- Inspectors saw leaders analyse accidents and incidents and make improvements as a result.
- Staff worked with partners involved in people’s care for the best outcomes.
The report will be published on CQC’s website in the coming days.