Kent Old People's Housing Society Limited
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Kent Old People's Housing Society Limited is 1-101614688.
These are the registration details of the provider Kent Old People's Housing Society Limited. They set out what services Kent Old People's Housing Society Limited can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mr Peter Cottington is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
A written report must be sent to the Care Quality Commission by the registered provider by no later than the last Friday of each month. The report must show the outcome of audits completed by the provider and the action taken in respect of the following areas:
• analysis of accidents and incidents, action taken to reduce risk and if this has been effective.
• service user care plans and care delivery including how their health needs are met and how person centred care is delivered
• Service user feedback meetings
• Safe management of medicines
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of the activity, as carried on at or from the location Bradstowe Lodge.