Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited is 1-101717935.
These are the registration details of the provider Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited. They set out what services Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mr Basudev Lamichhane is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
No later than 48 hours after this condition comes into effect, you must submit to the Care Quality Commission a report confirming what systems and processes you have introduced to record and monitor risks associated with service users� care needs.
No later than 48 hours after this condition comes into effect, you must submit to the Care Quality Commission a report confirming what systems and audits you have introduced to assess the safety of environmental and infection control risks within the service. This report must include a copy of a written infection prevention and control action plan for Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited including dates for completion of each action.
No later than 48 hours after this condition comes into effect, you must submit to the Care Quality Commission a written action plan confirming what systems and processes you have to assess and monitor the quality of the whole service. With regard to those audits identified as being necessary, the action plan must detail what action has been identified, dates for completion, and what measures will be taken to ensure audits are completed on a regular basis and by whom.
Within seven days of the condition coming into effect, the Registered Person must implement quality assurance systems and processes to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the following areas:
a) Care planning and risk assessment; ensuring clear and sufficient guidance
is provided to and followed by all staff in relation to service users’ needs and risks.
Within seven days of the condition coming into effect and then every first Monday of the month thereafter, the Registered Person must send to the Care Quality Commission a report outlining the findings of the audits of care plans and risk assessments of people living at the registered location, and a summary of the action taken to address any area identified as requiring improvement.
The report should contain details of the issues identified, actions taken or in progress to address the issue, the timescales for improvements, who will be responsible for them and what the quality assurance arrangements will be going forward.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of the activity, as carried on at or from the location Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited.
Registered services
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Mr Basudev Lamichhane is responsible for these services.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
No later than 48 hours after this condition comes into effect, you must submit to the Care Quality Commission a report confirming what systems and processes you have introduced to record and monitor risks associated with service users� care needs.
No later than 48 hours after this condition comes into effect, you must submit to the Care Quality Commission a report confirming what systems and audits you have introduced to assess the safety of environmental and infection control risks within the service. This report must include a copy of a written infection prevention and control action plan for Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited including dates for completion of each action.
No later than 48 hours after this condition comes into effect, you must submit to the Care Quality Commission a written action plan confirming what systems and processes you have to assess and monitor the quality of the whole service. With regard to those audits identified as being necessary, the action plan must detail what action has been identified, dates for completion, and what measures will be taken to ensure audits are completed on a regular basis and by whom.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Treatment of disease, disorder or injury is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of the activity, as carried on at or from the location Fountain Lodge Care Home Limited.