Royal Mencap Society
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Royal Mencap Society is 1-102642790.
These are the registration details of the provider Royal Mencap Society. They set out what services Royal Mencap Society can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Personal care
Mr Chris Chalkley is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Royal Mencap Society - Central Hampshire
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domiciliary Care Agency
- Royal Mencap Society - Lincolnshire Domiciliary Care Agency
- Mencap - Barnsley
- Mencap - Portland Services
- Mencap North Notts Services
- Mencap Central Notts Services
- Mencap Derbyshire and Derby City Domiciliary Care Agency
- East Sussex Domiciliary Care Agency
- Hertfordshire Domiciliary Care Agency
- Rochdale Area B
- West Cornwall Support Services
- Mencap South Notts Services
- North Hants, Beds and Bucks Domiciliary Care Office
- Royal Mencap Society - Domiciliary Care Services and Shared Lives - West London
- Mencap - Dorset Support Service
- Somerset Support Services
- Mencap York Domiciliary Care
- Royal Mencap Society - Hull Domiciliary Care Agency
- Mencap - Merseyside and Lancashire Support Service
- Mencap - March Domiciliary Care Agency
- Thetford and Lowestoft Domiciliary Care Agency
- Mencap - Teeside Domiciliary Care Agency
- Mencap - Mansfield Domiciliary Care Agency
- Warwickshire Supported Living
- Mencap - Newark Domiciliary Care Agency
- Royal Mencap Society - Essex Domiciliary Care
- Doncaster Community Support
- Mencap - West Suffolk Domiciliary Care Agency
- Northamptonshire Domiciliary Care Agency
- Mencap North East Domiciliary Care Agency
- Mencap - Trowbridge
- Leicestershire Community Support Scheme
- Royal Mencap Society - Domiciliary Care Services - North London
- Mencap - Surrey and Sussex Supported Living
- Northumberland Mid & North Domiciliary Care Agency
- Royal Mencap Society - Rotherham and Sheffield Domiciliary Care Agency
- Mencap - East Cornwall Support Service
- Plymouth Support Service
- Royal Mencap Society - Norfolk Domiciliary Care Agency
- Ipswich Domiciliary Care Agency
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mr Chris Chalkley is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Penrith Drive
- Royal Mencap Society - 32 Kings Lane
- East Fields
- Hulse Road
- Curlew Close
- Montague Street Care Home
- Cottingham Road
- Royal Mencap Society - 25 Barossa Road
- Royal Mencap Society - 17 Flaxfield Road
- Southernwood
- Mellor House
- Shining Star
- Royal Mencap Society - 145 Kingsley Road
- Dolphin Court
- Royal Mencap Society - 178 London Road
- Royal Mencap Society - 71 Middleton Avenue
- Cinnamon House
- Chestnut House
- Royal Mencap Society - 62 Wright Street
- Royal Mencap Society - 2 Conroy Close
- Arbor Way
- Westley Brook Close
- St Ives Close
- 92 North Street
- Hales Lodge
- Royal Mencap Society - Drummond Court
- Royal Mencap Society - Woodlands Residential Home
- Bluebell House
- Royal Mencap Society - 6 Lamberts (Foxglove)