Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd
This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect
Registration details
The provider ID for Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd is 1-116865825.
These are the registration details of the provider Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd. They set out what services Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd can legally provide, where they can provide them and who is responsible for them.
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Ms Rachel Louise Harvey is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Ambleside
- Ancasta Grove
- Heathlands House
- Dashwood Manor
- Martlet Manor
- Field Lodge
- Sandfields
- Chichester Grange
- Woodland Hall
- Franklin House
- Winchcombe Place
- Amberley Lodge - Purley
- Appleby House
- Broadwater Lodge
- Charlotte House
- Clara Court
- Cumberland
- Darlington Court
- Echelforde
- Elizabeth Lodge
- Ellesmere House
- Farm Lane
- Forrester Court
- Greville House
- Highbury New Park
- Jubilee House
- Kingsleigh
- Laurel Dene
- Lennox House
- Manor Lodge
- Muriel Street Resource Centre
- Oak House
- St Vincents House
- Stanecroft
- The Burroughs
- Tiltwood
- Whitby Dene
- Whitebourne
- Whitefarm Lodge
- Woodside Resource Centre
- Asterbury Place
- Perry Manor
- Oxbow Manor
- Mildenhall Lodge
- Priors House
- Davers Court
- Scarlet House
- Britten Court
- Cuttlebrook Hall
- Oat Hill Mews
- Prince George House
- Cleves Place
- Cedrus House
- Ladden View
- Haven Lodge
- Tall Trees
- Charlton Lodge
- Ayton House
- Cavell Court
- Hartismere Place
- Abney Court
- Long Stone Manor
- Heavers Court
- Langley Oaks
- Glastonbury Court
- Mountfitchet House
- Heather View
- Addington Heights
- Sherwood Grange
- Skylark House
- Armstrong House
- Cheviot Court
- Church View (Murton)
- Collingwood Court
- Elwick Grange
- Grangewood Care Centre
- Hadrian House
- Hadrian Park
- Kings Court Care Home
- Ponteland Manor Care Home
- Stanley Park
- The Terrace
- Ventress Hall Care Home
- Kenilworth Grange Care Home
- Weald Heights
- Ferndown Manor
- Silversprings
- Colne View
- Mill View
- Snowdrop House
- Highmarket House
- Queens Court
- Buchanan Court
- Knebworth Care Home
- Pear Tree Court
- Chandler Court
- Mills Meadow
- Mercia Grange
- Smyth Lodge
- Mountbatten Grange
- Harrier Lodge
- Foxbridge House
- Bowes House
- Millers Grange
- Trymview Hall
- Montfort Manor
- Carpathia Grange
- Bickerton House
- Deewater Grange
- Oakfield Croft
- Invicta Court
- Parsons Grange
- Lonsdale Mews
- The Potteries
- Brook Court
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Ms Rachel Louise Harvey is responsible for these services.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must ensure that the regulated activity Treatment of disease, disorder or injury is managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of that activity at or from all locations.
Registered services
- Ancasta Grove
- Heathlands House
- Dashwood Manor
- Martlet Manor
- Field Lodge
- Sandfields
- Chichester Grange
- Woodland Hall
- Franklin House
- Amberley Lodge - Purley
- Charlotte House
- Cumberland
- Darlington Court
- Elizabeth Lodge
- Ellesmere House
- Farm Lane
- Forrester Court
- Greville House
- Highbury New Park
- Jubilee House
- Laurel Dene
- Lennox House
- Manor Lodge
- Muriel Street Resource Centre
- Oak House
- St Vincents House
- Whitefarm Lodge
- Woodside Resource Centre
- Asterbury Place
- Perry Manor
- Oxbow Manor
- Mildenhall Lodge
- Priors House
- Scarlet House
- Britten Court
- Prince George House
- Cleves Place
- Cedrus House
- Haven Lodge
- Tall Trees
- Heavers Court
- Glastonbury Court
- Mountfitchet House
- Heather View
- Addington Heights
- Sherwood Grange
- Skylark House
- Armstrong House
- Ponteland Manor Care Home
- Stanley Park
- Ventress Hall Care Home
- Kenilworth Grange Care Home
- Weald Heights
- Ferndown Manor
- Silversprings
- Colne View
- Mill View
- Snowdrop House
- Highmarket House
- Queens Court
- Buchanan Court
- Knebworth Care Home
- Pear Tree Court
- Chandler Court
- Mercia Grange
- Smyth Lodge
- Mountbatten Grange
- Harrier Lodge
- Foxbridge House
- Bowes House
- Montfort Manor
- Carpathia Grange
- Bickerton House
- Deewater Grange
- Oakfield Croft
- Invicta Court
- Parsons Grange
- Lonsdale Mews
- The Potteries
- Brook Court