• Organisation

PCP (Luton) Limited

This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 10 January 2019

Luton was registered with the Care Quality Commission in April 2015 and is a residential drug and/or alcohol medically monitored detoxification and rehabilitation facility based in Luton, Bedfordshire.

The service includes a six-bedded detoxification house which is allocated to people undergoing detoxification with 24-hour supervision. On the same site is the treatment centre where clients attend for daily therapy sessions. Twelve further beds are available for clients in the primary treatment phase of the programme off site; the 12-bedded house is not required to be registered with the Care Quality Commission. At the time of inspection there were 14 people accessing treatment, five of these were living in the detoxification house. The service provides care and treatment for male and female clients. Most clients are self-funded, but the service also takes admissions from local authority drug and alcohol teams.

Luton provides ongoing abstinence based treatment, which focuses on the 12- step programme and also integrates cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, psycho-social education and solution focussed therapy.

Luton has a registered manager and a nominated individual. PCP (Luton) Limited is the registered provider and the service is registered for:

  • treatment of disease, disorder or injury and
  • accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse

The Care Quality Commission carried out a comprehensive inspection of Luton in March 2017. Breaches of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 were identified for regulation 12: Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, safe care and treatment. The provider was required to take the following actions:

  • The provider must ensure that equipment is appropriately maintained and calibrated.

The provider sent their action plans to the Care Quality Commission following the last inspection to address this and during the current inspection we noted all equipment was appropriately maintained and calibrated.

Residential substance misuse services


Updated 10 January 2019

We rated Luton as good because:

  • Emergency equipment at both the treatment centre and detoxification house was in date, regularly tested and ready for use.
  • At the time of inspection there were no staffing vacancies. Between August 2017 and July 2018 there were no unauthorised absences or sickness days taken by staff. Overall, 100% of staff had completed an induction and mandatory training.
  • All clients had an initial risk assessment, all risk assessments were up to date and included what process to follow for a client who unexpectedly exited treatment. Risk management plans were individualised. All client files contained a full assessment of the client’s history and previous treatment. The doctor completed thorough medical assessments at the point of a client’s admission for treatment including a physical health examination to ensure suitability for detox.
  • Staff received feedback from incidents, both local to Luton and PCP nationwide during twice daily handovers and team meetings. Staff could tell us about changes and learning from incidents.
  • Staff reviewed and updated individual treatment plans regularly. Treatment plans were holistic, personalised, recovery orientated and looked at a client’s strength areas.
  • The service offered daily activities and therapies alongside 12-step treatment. Interventions offered included training and work opportunities.
  • All clients accessing treatment were temporarily registered with the local GP surgery for any healthcare needs. Clients were offered support to access the dentist, opticians, smoking cessation, sexual health and genitourinary medicine clinic. The service developed information-sharing processes and joint-working arrangements with other services including the local genitourinary medicine clinic, GPs and dentists.
  • Staff had a minimum of quarterly line management supervision, counsellors also participated in monthly clinical supervision with an external supervisor. All eligible staff had a recent appraisal completed. Staff had access to bi-weekly team meetings and daily handovers.
  • Clients we spoke with told us they felt empowered in their treatment. Clients said staff were caring, respectful and supportive.
  • Staff encouraged family feedback. Families could be involved in treatment progress with client agreement.
  • The service had a robust process in place for managing complaints. Clients knew how to make a complaint.
  • Staff were passionate about reducing the stigma attached to people who use substances, supporting them to recover from their illness and realise their potential. Staff felt respected, supported and valued by their peers and by management. Staff felt positive and proud to work for PCP as an organisation and they had been able to implement new groups.


  • Communal rooms, one-to-one rooms, bathrooms/ toilets at both the detoxification house and the treatment centre were not fitted with alarms and staff were not using lanyard alarms.
  • Some clients had not been offered a copy of their treatment plan.
  • Some clients said they would benefit from more one-to-one sessions.