East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust serves a population of 521,000. The trust has two acute sites: Royal Blackburn Hospital and Burnley General Hospital as well as three community sites. There is noticeable deprivation in both Blackburn with Darwen and Burnley. Alcohol-related diseases and adult smoking are among the most prominent health concerns in both areas. Of the local population, 44% are non-white ethnic minorities and life expectancy is 10 years lower for men and seven years lower for women in the least deprived areas of both boroughs.
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust was one of the 14 trusts reviewed as part of the Keogh Review in 2013 based on the trust having been an outlier for the previous two consecutive years on either the Summary Hospital-Level Mortality Index (SHMI) or the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR). The review identified a number of concerns at the trust particularly related to the quality governance assurance systems. The review panel also identified a number of areas of good practice and dedicated staff, but there was more for the trust to do to communicate effectively to staff and share learning to ensure consistent approaches to quality improvement across the organisation, all of the time.
The trust was placed in special measures and CQC inspected the trust using the new comprehensive inspection model in July 2014. This resulted in the hospital overall being rated as Requires Improvement with improvement needed in urgent care; medical care; surgery and end of life care.
This inspection was a follow up and was conducted on 20 and 21 September 2016 and was a well-led review to follow up the focused inspection conducted on 19, 20 and 21 October 2015. We did not inspect the community sites and only reviewed four core services in October 2015 in order to review the progress of the trust since coming out of special measures in July 2014. We have aggregated the ratings following this inspection with the previous ratings for the services not inspected to give a revised rating for the trust. We also looked at the governance and risk management support for the services we inspected.
Our key findings regarding the trust’s response to the last inspection report and current practice were as follows:
The trust had a clear vision, objectives, values, operating principles and improvement priorities. These had been arrived at using a bottom up process and all staff we spoke with were engaged in the strategic direction of the trust, its vision, demonstrated the values and were dedicated to achieving the best care for patients.
The hospital services were supported by strong governance processes’ including well managed risk registers feeding in to the board, ensuring a robust overview of the risks within the hospital. However, there was ongoing work to enhance the Board Assurance Framework and risk management in the trust, where we found areas that required improvement. Staff demonstrated their involvement in the solutions to the risks identified which had developed staff ownership of risk and solution and was enhancing achievement.
The trust’s ‘Harm free care’ strategy, had improved the way they dealt with and learnt from incidents. The strategy included actions such as completing rapid reviews of serious incidents, referral to a panel for discussion and sharing outcomes in senior meetings. We saw evidence of learning and change to practice from incidents and how this learning was shared across the service and trust wide.
The Emergency Department/Urgent Care Centre had introduced a number of quality innovations that have improved patient experience, patient care, patient safety and patient outcomes. Some of the initiatives that had been introduced included the introduction of a Mental Health Triage Tool and Observation Policy; Rapid Assessment review; Introduction of a Sepsis Nurse Lead; Creation of a Dementia friendly environment and review and development of the Paediatric Emergency Department.
Following the results of an audit in 2014, improvements were required to improve the care of patients with sepsis. Following the improvements, the emergency department (ED) was now the second best provider regionally for the treatment of neutropenic sepsis, with 80% of patients receiving antibiotics within the hour.
The hospital had consistently achieved better than the England average in respect of the 18 weeks target from referral to treatment. Surgical procedures were sometimes cancelled at short notice but systems were in place to ensure patients were rescheduled within 28 days of the cancellation.
Nurse staffing in ED, medical and surgical departments had improved since the last inspection. Although there was a reliance on agency staff; nurses had been recruited but they were not yet in post.
The trust employed an Intensive Home Care Team who provided support to the ED and facilitated early discharges of patients from hospital. Established links with local GPs who provided medical support, if required, were available.
Cleanliness and hygiene throughout the trust was of a high standard.
There was a full bereavement service available at the hospital which was well received by users although it was noted not to be as well utilised by the ethnic minority groups. Work was underway with the local religious leaders to review this.
Staff were caring, kind and respectful to patients and involved them in their own care. Improvements had been made in the monitoring of patients to identify if their condition was deteriorating which included revised systems for obtaining prompt medical assistance.
Staff were proud of the work they did; they worked well together and supported each other when the services were under pressure. The trust ranked in the top 100 places to work in the NHS in an external health journal. Staff and patients told us they felt well engaged with and their views were valued.
Staff explained that the last few years had been difficult but the stability of the current board and executive team contributed greatly to the culture of continuous improvement.
Leadership across the departments was very positive, visible and proactive. Managers had a strong focus on the needs of patients and the roles staff needed to play in delivering good care.
The risk management strategy was last approved in August 2016 included the risk management roles, responsibilities and processes. However, it did not clearly articulate where the trust saw its risk management processes at the beginning of the strategy and where it aimed to be at the end.
The risk descriptions on the Board Assurance Framework (BAF) were poor, describing only the condition with no detail on the cause of the risk or consequences. As a result of this, some actions were broad with no leads or timescales. Controls, assurances and gaps in both were comprehensively described within the framework.
The WRES data showed that black and ethnic minority staff (BME) were employed in higher proportions in lower pay bands (1 to 4) within the trust. BME staff were highly underrepresented in senior management roles.
The risks associated with the use of a separate prescribing document for medicines delivered via a pump were raised with the trust at the time of the inspection. They took immediate action to address our concerns.
The emergency department continued to find the four hour wait target challenging. Over the winter months last year there were 1644 occasions when ambulance handovers took longer than 30 minutes. This placed the trust in the highest quarter for ambulance handover delays in England.
There was no designated area for patients not requiring an overnight stay, but who needed to undergo a period of observation or await test results. These areas can ‘contribute to patient safety, are highly efficient in terms of providing short term and ambulatory care, reduce admissions, and have been shown to improve crowding. Currently, staff admitted these patients to the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) which the trust had doubled in number of beds from 40 to 80 to improve flow out of the ED.
The audit of assessment of mental health patients in the ED (2014/15) showed there remained room for improvement particularly in the assessment and recording of a patient’s mental state which was only assessed and recorded in 30% of cases. The ED worked closely with a neighbouring trust in providing care for patients with mental health needs which was provided in a timely way 24 hours a day, seven days a week when required.
Medical staff recruitment in some areas remained a challenge; the ED department relied on locum staff to fill gaps, actions were being taken to develop doctors internally to reduce the need to recruit from outside the trust.
The results from data collected as part of national audits into the outcomes for patients with some clinical conditions showed the hospital was performing worse than the National average. Work was ongoing to improve these outcomes however this was not completed at the time of the inspection.
The training and development of staff was below the trust’s target for nurses within the medical services.
Despite the duty of candour processes being in place, there were occasions where the 10-day timescale was not met by the trust.
Within the root cause analysis investigations that were reviewed we observed that a one-line summary of the incident was recorded as opposed to a true root cause.
A number of wards fell below 80% fill rate for registered nurses. However, the wards were sufficiently staffed during the night. Staffing throughout the medical and surgical services, together with the neonatal intensive care unit services had been identified as an issue for the trust and actions had been implemented to manage the risk.
Within the root cause analysis investigations that were reviewed we observed that a one-line summary of the incident was recorded as opposed to a true root cause.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
Several examples of innovation across the surgical division, including robotic surgery, theatre open days to break down barriers between community and operating theatres and the use of social media.
Theatres ran interactive open days where they invited selective audiences, such as young people from the local high schools and people with learning difficulties. This initiative was to help break down some of the barriers between the community and hospital theatres. It also helped patients with learning difficulties become familiar with the theatre settings to help alleviate their anxieties around having surgery.
A band 3 member of staff from theatres ran a painting competition for children and young people who had learning difficulties and medical conditions. The resulting art work was displayed in the patients’ waiting area. This innovation was looking at working closely with these young people and easing their anxiety about undergoing surgery.
Each ward and theatre area held weekly staff meetings called ‘Feedback Fridays.’ These meetings were a two way process and covered all significant governance issues pertinent for their area, including lessons learned from incidents and complaints, the risk register for their individual areas and feedback from matron and governance meetings.
However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.
Importantly, the trust must:
Additionally, the trust should:
The trust should continue to work towards reducing the time taken to investigate and close a complaint to ensure they meet the trust target.
Root cause analysis reviews should contain a true root cause of the incident as opposed to a one-line summary.
The 10-day timescale for duty of candour processes should be adhered to.
Fill rates for registered nurse staffing should not fall below the recommended staffing requirements. The trust should continue to prioritise the recruitment and retention of nursing staff.
Continue to review the Board Assurance Framework (BAF) to ensure it is more robust and fully reflects the supporting information behind each strategic risk, including action plans with timescales for completion.
Review the work force equality standards data for the trust and continue to implement the action plan for improvements within this area.
Address the shoulds and musts for the locations
Professor Sir Mike Richards
Chief Inspector of Hospitals