Scope of registration
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
This regulated activity applies where residential accommodation is provided together with nursing care or personal care as a single package, for example nursing or personal care delivered in a care home setting.
A single package means the person using the service cannot choose to receive personal care from another provider while they are living in the accommodation. In the same way, to receive the accommodation they are required to receive their personal care from one specified provider. The accommodation and the care will usually be from the same provider, but they do not need to be, as long as any contractual arrangements make clear who is responsible for carrying on this regulated activity.
If accommodation and personal care are provided separately and people living in the accommodation can choose a different provider to meet their personal care needs, then it may be a supported living or extra care housing service. In this case the regulated activity of Personal care may apply.
You do not have to additionally register for the activities of Personal care or Nursing care if you provide the regulated activity of Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care. Where someone living in a care home needs nursing care, this may be provided by care staff where the tasks can be delegated appropriately by a listed healthcare professional (see what this means in our glossary of terms) who is employed by a provider registered to carry on the regulated activity of Treatment of disease, disorder or injury (for example, a district nursing service). See more information on delegation in Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
You may need to apply for other regulated activities where these apply. For example, providers of care homes with nursing are likely to need to also register for Treatment of disease, disorder or injury if they employ registered nurses or other listed professionals who carry on this regulated activity. There may be exceptions to this principle, but only when registered nursing staff are not employed in their professional capacity and do not actually carry out the treatment for a disease, disorder or injury.
Further education sector
In some cases, this activity includes accommodation together with personal or nursing care provided in an establishment in the further education sector. For this activity to apply in the further education sector, more than 10% of the students receiving both accommodation and education at the establishment must also be receiving personal or nursing care. We will normally judge this by looking at the number of students over a 12 month period, rather than just on a single day.
An establishment in the further education sector means an establishment conducted by a further education corporation, or an establishment designated as such by an order of the Secretary of State for Education.
This activity does not include providing accommodation for people who require nursing or personal care in schools.
Shared lives
If you provide a shared lives service, you should register only for the regulated activity of Personal care and not for the regulated activity of Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care. See more information on shared lives schemes under the Personal care activity.
Check if you need to register for Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care