We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask: - ' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
Is the service safe?
People were comfortable and relaxed during our inspection. We observed care being provided in a dignified and supportive manner. People told us they felt safe and respected. One person said, 'It feels like my home. My bedroom is mine and the staff respect my privacy'.
People consistently stated staffing levels were adequate to meet their needs. One person said, 'They have plenty of staff on'. This meant staffing levels deployed by the service were adequate to ensure the safety of people in their care.
The Brooklands had effective infection control measures in place to ensure people were safe from acquired infections. We found the home to be hygienic, clutter-free and well-maintained. A relative told us, 'It's always clean and smells very nice'. This showed the home protected people against infection because appropriate prevention systems were in place.
Our discussions with staff confirmed they understood the needs of the people in their care. This matched the information we found in people's care records. This meant the provider had protected people from unsafe care by ensuring care planning and risk assessment was appropriate.
Is the service effective?
People told us they felt the home was effective in meeting their needs. One person said, 'They ask me about my care and whether it or the home could improve'. This showed staff involved people in giving feedback about their care.
We observed improvements had been made by the Brooklands in relation to how the home ensured consent was sought, recorded and reviewed. One staff member told us, "Even when residents are ill or not themselves you still have to offer choice and help people make decisions. I cannot assume somebody will decide one way or the other just because I think I know them". This meant people were safeguarded against inappropriate care because the service gained people's consent prior to giving support.
Documents we reviewed showed support plans and risk assessments were individualised and regularly updated. Support planning matched people's assessed needs. This meant people were protected against ineffective care provision because people's needs were adequately assessed.
Is the service caring?
People consistently stated that the home delivered a caring and supportive service. A relative told us, 'I'm confident the staff know my mum and help her in a kind and supportive way'.
People were comfortable and relaxed during our inspection. Staff engaged with people in their care in a friendly, supportive and appropriate manner. People told us they were happy with the care provided. One person said, 'It's my home and the other residents and staff are like my family and friends'.
Is the service responsive?
One person told us, "I have a keyworker who checks on my care and if anything could be done better'. This demonstrated the home checked and responded to people's changing needs.
People's needs were assessed before they accessed the service. This meant the Brooklands was able to confirm that they could meet the individual's support needs.
Is the service well-led?
The Brooklands had a range of quality audits in place. Other regular processes underpinned this, such as resident and team meetings. This meant people were protected against inappropriate support because the manager had systems to check the quality of care. A relative told us, 'If I had any concerns I know I could go to the manager and she would sort it out. There's nothing I would change about the home. They couldn't do anything better as far as I am concerned'.
Care delivery was well-led and there were clear lines of responsibility. Care planning was in-depth and personalised. This was reflected in our observations during our inspection. This meant the Brooklands delivered appropriate and safe care because the home was well-led.