We visited the location to carry out a planned review. We also looked at the compliance actions that had been set at the previous inspection to see if these had been addressed and improvements had been made. Due to the complex needs of some people living at Falcon House Care Home they were unable to talk with us. We therefore used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a specific way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk with us. We carried out this observation for a period of one and a half hours.
We also spoke with two relatives, three people using the service and three members of staff.
One person said staff had asked them about the things they liked when they first moved into the home.
One relative said they were involved in any decision making and they gave us an example of how they had been involved in making important decisions for their relative's care.
All three people said they could make their own choices and decisions about their lives and the care and support they received. They also said that staff were kind and respectful towards them.
All three people living at Falcon House said they were happy and settled and that staff supported them appropriately.
One person told us: 'I am happy here and they care for me how I like it.' Another person said, 'The staff are very kind, they help me when I need it, they help me to walk with my frame.'
One relative said, 'My relative is well looked after and they are always clean and tidy. They call the doctor as needed and care for them if they are unwell.'
One person using the service said there were activities for them to join in if they wanted to; however they tended not to join in that many.
When the activities coordinator spent time with people they acknowledged people's uniqueness and valued them as individuals. The activity was personalised to each person's needs and skills. They celebrated people's achievements and took delight in people's enjoyment. This empowered people and enabled their personhood to be facilitated and they spent time in a positive mood and showed obvious enjoyment and pleasure.
During our SOFI observations with the exception of one incident the atmosphere in the home was calm and friendly and staff supported people as needed.
One person said, 'I get my medicine when I need it.'
One relative also confirmed that their relative received their medication when they needed it.
People using the service and relatives' said there were enough staff available to meet people's needs.
One person using the service said that meetings took place, however they did not attend the one that had taken place recently. Another person said they could make comments about their care and these would be listened to and acted upon.
Both relatives said they could provide feedback about the service and that this would be listened to.