People we spoke to told us they were happy with the care they received. People told us:'It's a good home'.
'I'm very happy here'.
People told us they are involved in making decisions about their care and their views are taken into account. Comments from people included:
'I have my own key to my room and open my own post'.
'Staff ask me what I want and I make my own decisions'.
'Staff consult me, I'm very independent'.
'Staff always knock or ring my doorbell before coming into my room'.
' We are asked at residents meetings about the food, but there are never any complaints. We did have soup at lunch times but it was too filling and so we asked for it at tea time and they have done this. We are consulted'.
All of the people we spoke to were happy with the meals provided. People told us:
' The food is lovely'.
'The food is nice, we get a choice. If we do not want what is on the menu you can ask for something else'.
'It's like a 5 star hotel'.
'I'm weighed regularly and had lost some weight so I had to have cream with my drinks and I have now put weight back on again'.
'Food is excellent here, If you are not happy with it you can complain. If you did not like the food here you would be a strange person'.
People spoken with were happy with the premises. People told us:
'I'm happy with my room, I have everything I need'.
'The home is well looked after, we have just had a new state of the art fire alarm system fitted'.
'It's very well maintained'.
'The home is spacious which I like'.
People using the service told us:
'Staff are lovely, they always answer the call bells quickly'.
'Staff are nice, the staff come and help you if you call them'.
'Staff look after me and are nice, they come and check to make sure I am alright'.
'I had a fall a little while ago and had to go to hospital, I used the call bell and staff came very quickly'.
People spoken with were confident about whom they could raise concerns with and that their concerns would be addressed. People told us:
'The food is excellent here, but if you are not happy you can complain'.
'I would speak to the manager if I had any complaints'.
'I have never found anything to complain about, we have meetings with the manager and are always asked if we have any complaints'.