- Care home
Cherry Tree
Report from 19 July 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
At our last inspection, we found records were not updated and there were concerns with staff engagement and providing information that was accessible to people. During this inspection, we found improvements had been made. Quality assurance systems were in place that included audits of records to ensure it was updated, was accurate and information was accessible to people. Spot checks were carried out to ensure staff knew people well and engaged with them. Quality monitoring systems were in place to ensure there was a cycle of continuous improvement. The home worked in partnership with professionals to ensure people were in the best of health.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Staff told us the culture of the home was positive and they were supported well. The registered manager also had allocated time on a weekly basis for people and staff to have a chat or ask any questions to the manager. The registered manager told us. “I lead the service by example and check staff knowledge during supervisions, team meetings and working with staff on shift. The registered manager also told us, “Over the past couple years, I have worked closely with staff to embed positive culture within the team, which has been positive and helped bring the team closer together, which means that people’s outcomes are very positive. I feel as a team we are very open and honest in a professional way, and we look at solutions not barriers.”
The services Business Plan and Visions and Aims placed people at the heart of the service and staff we spoke to felt proud working for them. We found that people were supported well and staff were positive about working at the home. Service objectives were monitored through audits. Staff also received training as part of their Induction program, this included familiarising staff with the provider’s mission statement.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
Staff and relatives were positive about the registered manager. The registered manager told us they were available for people, families and staff to speak to. The registered manager told us, “People’s families have my number and can contact me if they needed to. Also, there is an on-call system that staff or relatives could contact if they had any concerns.”
The registered manager has been in place a long period therefore knew the home, people, and staff well. Staff were positive about the management of the home and people and relatives told us people enjoyed living at the home.
Freedom to speak up
Systems were in place for staff to raise concerns internally and externally. The registered manager told us how they encouraged staff to speak up and also understood the importance of apologising to people or relatives when something went wrong and being transparent.
A whistleblowing policy was in place that included how to raise concerns both internally and externally, which allowed staff freedom to speak up. Staff feedback was also sought as part of supervisions and staff meeting.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
Staff told us they were valued by the management team and enjoyed working at the service. A staff member told us, “I like working here as I have learnt so much.”
An equality and diversity policy was in place and staff had been trained in this area. Systems were in place for flexible working arrangements as shift plans showed staff were able to work flexibly. Systems were in place to record incidents towards staff and action taken to ensure staff were safe. All staff had opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge. The home gave staff opportunity to progress their careers.
Governance, management and sustainability
The registered manager told us that they had made a number of improvements to the service and staff. The professionals the home worked with, were positive about the improvements made at the home. A professional told us, “Over the last 12 months, there has been improvement in the quality of care provided at Cherry Tree and I am not aware of any serious concern.” Staff understood their role and responsibilities and told us what they did within their job. They also told us they were kept up to date with changes in people’s needs and their wellbeing by the management team this was done during handover and meetings.
Robust quality assurance systems were in place. Audits had been carried out on the running of the home to ensure people received safe care such as on medicines and care plans. Spot checks were also carried out by the management team to ensure people received right care and support.
Partnerships and communities
Systems were in place to ensure people had support from health and social professionals when required. Relative we spoke to had no concerns in this area.
The registered manager and staff told us they worked in partnership with health and social professionals to ensure people’s needs were consistently met and they received high quality care.
Feedback from partners were positive about the home. A professional told us, “Every interaction I have had from staff via the telephone or video call have been well organised and the people I have spoken to have a very good understanding of [person]. I have spoken with family who feel that this placement is suitable for their loved one and no concerns identified.”
Records showed the home working in partnership with social and health professionals to ensure people received safe and effective support. We saw evidence that care reviews taking place with social professionals on people’s care needs and working with health professionals to ensure people’s health needs were met.
Learning, improvement and innovation
The registered manager told us there was a culture of continuous improvement at the home and part of this was through learning and best practices. Feedback was sought from people, relatives, and staff to learn about any potential shortfalls through reviews, supervisions, and meetings. The registered manager also told us they carried out regular spot checks and shared any identified issues with staff to help focus on improvement and showed us how they learnt from incidents as part of their lessons learning. Staff confirmed that the management shared this information with them so they could be involved in the improvement of the service.
A number of improvements had been made since our last inspection. Learning had taken place following our last inspection to ensure improvements had been made and an action plan was in place. Incidents were also analysed from previous months to identify any patterns and trends for learning and this was shared with staff. Learning was evident during this assessment as the home had made the improvements required to ensure people were well cared for and safe.