• Hospital
  • NHS hospital

Bradford Royal Infirmary

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Trust Headquarters, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD9 6RJ (01274) 364305

Provided and run by:
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Report from 2 May 2024 assessment

Ratings - Maternity

  • Overall

    Requires improvement

  • Safe


  • Effective

    Requires improvement

  • Caring


  • Responsive

    Requires improvement

  • Well-led


Our view of the service

On site assessment: 15 and 16 May 2024

Reason for assessment: We received a number of anonymous whistle blowing concerns regarding safe care and treatment within the assessment service group for maternity services. We undertook an unannounced responsive focussed inspection. We assessed key lines of enquiry in safe and well led.

Safe quality statements assessed: learning culture, safe systems, pathways, and transitions, involving people to manage risks, safe environments, safe and effective staffing, medicines optimisation.

Well Led quality statements assessed: shared direction and culture, capable, compassionate, and inclusive leaders, freedom to speak up, workforce equality diversity and inclusion, governance management and sustainability, partnerships and communities and learning improvement and innovation.

Bradford teaching hospitals became an NHS foundation trust in April 2004. It is responsible for providing hospital services for the people of Bradford and communities across Yorkshire. It serves a core population of around 530,000 people and provides specialist services for around 1.2 million people in the region. The trust is a teaching hospital, with strong links to local universities. Annually there are around 6000 babies born.

The last inspection the maternity assessment service group was rated overall as requires improvement in January 2023 with safe rated as requires improvement and well-led rated as good. At this assessment the maternity assessment service group was rated overall as requires improvement in May 2024 with both safe and well-led rated as good.

People's experience of this service

In March and April 2024, we received a small number of patient concerns regarding negative care and treatment experiences.

During the assessment we spoke to a large number of women and their relatives from a range of different ethnic backgrounds. None of these women raised any patient safety concerns. Following the assessment a small number of women came forward and shared historical patient safety concerns and negative experiences.

Women we spoke to told us they felt included in their care planning. They provided positive feedback and had a good pre-natal and post-natal experience. They reported positive interactions with staff and told us they felt confident and comfortable to raise concerns.

We observed compassionate care and treatment.

Friends and family feedback was reviewed which was positive overall and there was evidence of actions taken by the Trust to improve following feedback.

Throughout the report we refer to the women's clinical service unit (CSU) as an acute service group (ASG). The ASG had instigated several innovative initiatives to support families within the community and had provided a coat rail with second hand coats for both children and families of women. The next planned initiative was to offer school uniforms. The ASG had received positive feedback from women and their families regarding this.

Leaders were actively involved with the Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP). This is a group of parents, volunteers and professionals who work together to help shape and develop maternity services in Bradford District and Craven.