• Hospital
  • NHS hospital

Bradford Royal Infirmary

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Trust Headquarters, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD9 6RJ (01274) 364305

Provided and run by:
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Report from 2 May 2024 assessment

Ratings - Medical care (Including older people's care)

  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective

    Requires improvement

  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is responsible for providing hospital services for the people of Bradford and communities across Yorkshire. It serves a core population of around 530,000 people and provides specialist services for around 1.2 million people in the region. Bradford Royal Infirmary provides acute services, diagnostics and outpatient services. There is an emergency department providing 24 hour, seven days a week, comprehensive accident and emergency care. St Luke’s Hospital is the second hospital in terms of size and services provided. It has inpatient intermediate care wards, and a wide range of outpatient and therapy services.

We received a number of anonymous whistle blowing concerns regarding safe care and treatment within the assessment service group (ASG) for medicine. We undertook an unannounced, responsive, focused inspection. We assessed key questions in safe, effective and well led.

The assessment service group for medicine was last inspected on 13 November and 12 December 2019. The overall rating was good.

People's experience of this service

During the assessment we spoke to several patients on seven wards on the Bradford Royal Infirmary site including stroke and rehabilitation.

No concerns were raised, and we observed compassionate care and treatment. Patients we spoke to told us they felt included in their care planning.

Patients we spoke with were positive about their experience and interactions with staff, they told us they felt confident and comfortable to raise concerns, though none of the patients we spoke with had needed to raise concerns during their stay.

Friends and family feedback was reviewed which was positive overall and there was evidence of actions taken by the Trust to improve following feedback.