E1. Are people's needs assessed and care and treatment delivered in line with current legislation, standards and evidence-based guidance to achieve effective outcomes?
E1.1 Are people's physical, mental health and social needs holistically assessed, and is their care, treatment and support delivered in line with legislation, standards and evidence-based guidance, including NICE and other expert professional bodies, to achieve effective outcomes?
E1.2 What processes are in place to ensure there is no discrimination, including on the grounds of protected characteristics under the Equality Act, when making care and treatment decisions?
E1.3 How is technology and equipment used to enhance the delivery of effective care and treatment and to support people's independence?
E1.4 Are the rights of people subject to the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) protected and do staff have regard to the MHA Code of Practice?

Does not apply to
GP practices,
or GP out-of-hours
or NHS 111 services
E1.5 How are people's nutrition and hydration needs (including those related to culture and religion) identified, monitored and met? Where relevant, what access is there to dietary and nutritional specialists to assist in this?

Does not apply to
specialist mental health services or specialist substance misuse services
E1.6 How is a person's pain assessed and managed, particularly for people who have difficulty communicating?
E1.7 Are people told when they need to seek further help and advised what to do if their condition deteriorates?
Snippet for healthcare assessment framework pages: this page is for healthcare
This page is for:
- healthcare services
Related links
Rating characteristics
Related regulations
Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment
These links provide extra information. They don't imply a direct correlation between key lines of enquiry and regulations or notifications.