We will look at specific metrics under some quality statements.
Metrics are considered alongside other evidence within a quality statement.
Theme 1: Working with people
Assessing needs
People's experience
Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS):
- % of people satisfied with care and support
- % of people who do not buy any additional care or support privately or pay more to 'top up' their care and support
- % of people who feel that they have control over their daily life
- % of people who reported that they had as much social contact as desired
Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE):
- % of carers accessing support group or someone to talk to in confidence
- % of carers accessing support to keep them in employment
- % of carers accessing training for carers
- % of carers experiencing financial difficulties because of caring
- % of carers not in paid employment because of caring responsibilities
- % of carers satisfied with social services
- % of carers that feel involved or consulted as much as they wanted to be in discussions
- % of carers who feel that they have control over their daily life
- % of carers who feel they have encouragement and support
- % of carers who reported that they had as much social contact as desired
- % of carers with enough time to care for other people they are responsible for
Adult Social Care Financial Returns and Short and Long-Term Support (ASCFR - SALT):
- % of long term support clients reviewed (planned or unplanned)
Assessment framework for local authority assurance: assessing needs
Supporting people to live healthier lives
People's experience
- % of people who reported that they spend their time doing things they value or enjoy
- % of people who say help and support helps them think and feel better about themselves
- % of people who use services who describe their home as clean and comfortable
- % of people who use services who feel clean and presentable
- % of people who use services who find it easy to find information about support
- % of people who use services who get adequate food and drink
- % of carers who find it easy to access information and advice
- % of carers who found information and advice helpful
- % of carers able to spend time doing things they value or enjoy
Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) / ASCFR-SALT
- % of people 65+ who received reablement/rehabilitation services after discharge from hospital
- % of people 65+ still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services
- % of people who have received short term support who no longer require support
- % of carers who receive direct payments
- % of service users who receive direct payments
- % of service users aged 18 - 64 accessing long-term support who were receiving direct payments
- % of service users aged 65 and over accessing long-term support who were receiving direct payments
- % of adults with a learning disability who live in their own home or with their family
Assessment framework for local authority assurance: supporting people to live healthier lives
Theme 2: Providing support
Care provision, integration and continuity
People's experience
- % of people who use services who feel they have choice over services
- % of carers accessing support or services allowing them to take a break from caring at short notice or in an emergency
- % of carers accessing support or services allowing them to take a break from caring for >24hrs
- % of carers accessing support or services allowing them to take a break from caring for 1-24hrs
CQC ratings:
- % of Supported Living services by rating
- % of homecare services by rating
- % of nursing homes by rating
- % of residential homes by rating
Skills for Care workforce estimates:
- % ASC staff with care certificate in progress or partially completed, or completed (all jobs, all sectors)
- % of adult social care job vacancies (all jobs, all sectors)
- ASC staff mean number of sick days in the last 12 months (all jobs, all sectors)
- Rate of turnover of adult social care employees (all jobs, all sectors)
HSCA register:
- Number of locations exiting the market
Assessment framework for local authority assurance: care provision, integration and continuity
Theme 3: How the local authority ensures safety within the system
People's experience
- % of people who use services who feel safe
- % of people who use services who say that those services have made them feel safe
- % of carers who feel safe
Safeguarding Adults Collection (SAC):
- % of individuals lacking capacity who were supported by advocate, family or friend
- Number of enquiries meeting S42 threshold over time
Skills for Care workforce estimates:
- % of independent/LA staff completed MCA DoLS training
- % of independent/LA staff completed safeguarding adults training
Assessment framework for local authority assurance: safeguarding
Theme 4: Leadership
Learning, improvement and innovation
Feedback from partners
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) complaints:
- LGSCO data on complaints uphold rate, remedies, and further actions
Assessment framework for local authority assurance: learning, improvement and innovation