Provider information return (PIR): information for adult social care services

Page last updated: 17 April 2024


Troubleshooting the PIR form

In this section, we address issues users have encountered during the completion of the PIR form.

​Accessing the PIR

Security settings:
Ensure your security settings are not set too high when trying to access the link.

Browser compatibility:
Use the most up-to-date browser; Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox are recommended.

PIR form link:
Access the form through the link provided in the letter sent to the registered manager, not the nominated individual.

PIR Invitation email not received:
Check spam/junk folders for the invitation email. Contact us if the email cannot be found.

If you've changed your email address, complete the statutory notification form to update your contact details.

​On screen difficulties

Please make sure:

  • answer boxes are not missing a response or the page could freeze, save your form and return later. There could be server issues, so consider revisiting the next day
  • only the ‘back’ or ‘next’ buttons within the PIR form are used; do not use the browser’s back button
  • the browser cache is cleared
  • only one person is accessing the PIR
  • special characters, such as apostrophes, pound signs, bullet points, hyphens, quotation marks, dashes, and multiple dots, are avoided.
  • if reviewing answers, avoid leaving empty responses; otherwise, the form will take you back to that page upon resuming, potentially requiring the form to be resent.

​​No submit button:

Make sure you have scrolled down to the bottom of the page and all along to the edge of the page to check for the 'submit' button.

​No summary screen or confirmation email

  • Check if the correct email address is entered in the PIR.
  • Ensure the form is submitted; check junk/spam folders for the confirmation email.
  • If it has been submitted correctly, contact us if you still need a copy of the submitted form.

Contact us

If these suggestions do not solve your problems, email

​Confirm you have followed the guidance above and provide the following information:

  • location name and ID
  • username - you'll find this at the top of your PIR invitation letter
  • the time the issue happened
  • the page number or box that is missing
  • how long you have had the issue
  • name of internet browser you are using
  • screenshots of any error messages you are getting.