IR(ME)R annual report 2023/24

Published: 26 September 2024 Page last updated: 26 September 2024


Diagnostic imaging activity

Notifications received in 2023/24

  • 447 notifications (compared with 380 notifications in 2022/23)
  • this represents 55% of all notifications received across all modalities
  • 89% of notifications were from NHS acute trusts
  • the highest proportion of notifications from diagnostic imaging (65%) was from CT (computed tomography)

Figure 2: Notifications from diagnostic imaging received by sub-modality, 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

Chart showing 65% of diagnostic notifications were CT, 25% were plain film x-ray, with other types of modality making up the remainder.  irmer2324-fig2-diagnostic-notifications.

Source: CQC SAUE notifications data 2023/24
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% as they have been rounded to the nearest whole number

Types of error

As in previous years, the most common error was where a patient received an examination meant for another patient. Of the 447 notifications, 88 (20%) involved the wrong patient being referred for a diagnostic examination and a further 27 (6%) involved the wrong patient being exposed due to an identification (ID) error.

Figure 3 shows the number of detailed errors where tier 1 is the causative factor, with tiers 2 and 3 the contributory factors.

Figure 3: Notifications from diagnostic imaging by detailed error type, 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

  • Tier 1: The duty holder from whom the error originated
  • Tier 2: The point in the pathway where the error first occurred
  • Tier 3: What went wrong

Tier 1: Employer (2 notifications)

Tier 2Tier 3
Employer's responsibility (2)
  • Equipment not fit for purpose (1)
  • Inadequate training/supervision (1)

Tier 1: Referrer (146 notifications)

Tier 2Tier 3
Incorrect referral (100)
  • Wrong patient (88)
  • Wrong timing (10)
  • Wrong requested modality (2)
Incorrect information (46)
  • Failure to cancel (17)
  • Duplicate/no check of previous imaging (14)
  • Inaccurate clinical information (15)

Tier 1: Practitioner (10 notifications)

Tier 2Tier 3
Justification (8)
  • Incorrect justification (8)
Safety checks (1)
  • Imaging history check failure (1)
Protocol (1)
  • Illegible/unclear protocol (1)

Tier 1: Operator (183 notifications)

Tier 2Tier 3
Pre-exposure checks (107)
  • Wrong patient position/setup/protocol (90)
  • Wrong use of equipment (17)
Patient checks (29)
  • Patient ID error (27)
  • Failure to check pregnancy/breastfeeding (2)
Clinical history (23)
  • Failure to check history/details (23)
Post examination (18)
  • Failure to upload images (16)
  • Reporting failure (2)
Authorisation (5)
  • Incorrect authorisation (5)
Pharmaceutical contrast (1)
  • Preparation (1)

Tier 1: Equipment (67 notifications)

Tier 2Tier 3
Equipment related (67)
  • Hardware (40)
  • Equipment related (1)
  • Software (16)
  • IT failure (7)
  • Ancillary failure (3)

Tier 1: Other (39 notifications)

Tier 2Tier 3
Dose reference level (DRL)/Deterministic (2)
  • Deterministic effects (1)
  • 10x DRL (1)
Patient related (15)
  • Unknown pregnancy (14)
  • Patient issue (1)
Equipment related (1)
  • Software (1)
Administrative staff error (10)
  • RIS input error (6)
  • Other admin error (4)
Test results (1)
  • Request based on incorrect results (1)
Other (10)
  • Not listed above (10)

Total diagnostic imaging notifications: 447

Source: CQC SAUE notifications data 2023/24

As in the previous year, operator errors accounted for the highest origin of incidents reported to us (183), rather than referrer errors (146). We have seen another notable increase in the number of incidents due to the operator either setting up the patient incorrectly or selecting an incorrect protocol (90 incidents, up from 79 in 2022/23 and 44 in 2021/22).

Inspections and enforcement

Across our 15 inspections of diagnostic imaging centres, we found 8 cases of non-compliance with the regulations. We made 48 recommendations to help improve awareness and understanding of the regulatory requirements, improve compliance in specific areas and improve patient safety.

Our most common findings of non-compliance were similar to previous years and our recommendations related to:

  • Regulations (6)1, 6(2): ensuring that all employer’s procedures are in place to support staff, and that they reflect current clinical practice
  • Regulation 6(5)(b): having an established assurance programme for written procedures and protocols
  • Regulations 6(5)(c) regular review of diagnostic reference levels and enabling operators to access these
  • Regulation 15(2): maintaining an equipment inventory that includes all information mandated by the regulations
  • Regulation 15(3): undertaking adequate testing of equipment
  • Regulation 17: having up-to-date training records available as evidence of adequate training

We also issued 4 Improvement Notices that require the duty holder to take remedial action within a specified timeframe. See further information on these in our enforcement register.

Key themes in diagnostic imaging

Referrals outside scope of practice

In the NHS, workforce transformation is enabling changes in how health care is delivered to respond to the changing needs of local populations. This has resulted in an increasing number of staff groups making referrals for ionising radiation examinations. It is the employer’s responsibility to entitle individual referrers and ensure that where group entitlement is made, there is a system to identify individuals within that group.

We were informed of unintended exposures from referrals made by members of staff who were not working within their scope of practice. This included both registered and unregistered health professionals.

Paediatric over-exposures

We received multiple notifications regarding unintended doses to paediatric patients. These were often in relation to using adult exposure factors in general x-ray, and broadly fell into categories such as:

  • lack of familiarity with x-ray systems
  • operators feeling rushed or taking x-rays while distracted
  • limited training on paediatric exposure factors
  • equipment-related errors.

In some cases, it was not immediately identified that the patient had been over-exposed and subsequent images using incorrect factors continued to be taken.

Support for internationally trained radiographers

We received notifications where it was identified that internationally trained radiographers needed additional training. Although registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) requires equivalence checks, new international recruits may still need additional support. New international recruits may be less aware of requirements under relevant UK regulations and may not always have confidence in challenging more senior members of staff where there were concerns.

We identified some good practice with some sites delivering bespoke training sessions for new international recruits, providing them with relevant information about the regulations and their role, as well as a peer group for support.

Providers may want to consider two e-learning sessions from the Society of Radiographers, which are specifically for international recruits:

  • Working in the NHS – a brief overview of the NHS and the principles and values within the constitution.
  • The role of the radiographer in the UK – this outlines a radiographer’s requirements under HCPC, the career structure, the other professional staff groups they may encounter and other professional differences.


We received 20 notifications related to mammography exposures. In many cases, we saw that the breast screening programme was using good governance, with incident reports shared appropriately with programme managers.

The main type of operator error was incorrect changes to protocol settings, either by the operator themselves or by equipment engineers. This was most commonly due to leaving the unit in manual mode rather than switching to clinical automatic exposure control settings. On several occasions, pause and check or QA tests did not pick errors up and they were picked up by clinical or dose audits.