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  • Homecare service

Love In Care

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

49 Cowper Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS7 4DR 07539 022642

Provided and run by:
Love In Care Limited

Report from 27 October 2024 assessment

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Updated 12 November 2024

The service had made improvements since the last inspection in January 2020. We assessed all 8 quality statements within the safe key question which has been rated good. This meant people were safe and risks to their safety and wellbeing were assessed. People were able to make informed choices about risks and given support to understand these. People received their medicines safely and as prescribed. People lived in safe environments and there was a learning culture whereby any accidents or incidents were fully investigated and measures taken to reduce the likelihood of repeat events.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. People were positive about the care they received. One person said, “Love In Care are the only care agency I would leave my loved one with. The care was exemplary.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs. There was a learning culture whereby any accidents or incidents were fully investigated and measures taken to reduce the likelihood of repeat events.

Staff were aware of the process to follow should they have any concerns about a person’s safety. They understood how to report accidents and incidents and were able to contribute their views about what happened and what they could do to reduce risks. The registered manager encouraged a culture of openness and honesty throughout the organisation. A member of staff told us how the organisation listens to feedback from people to improve the quality of care, "Each customer has a WhatsApp group on the Access system in which all notes and preferences are recorded, these can be combined with feedback forms and monthly reviews to help give the customer the best care."

There was a learning culture in the organisation. Accidents and incidents were logged and reviewed by the provider. Actions were implemented and learning was identified following review and analysis of incidents.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. Risk assessments were completed appropriately to ensure safe care and support. One person said, “[Love In Care staff] provide care as you would your own family.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs.

Staff described the systems in place to ensure essential information was shared which helped support continuity of care. We saw evidence that demonstrated the provider had good working relationships with health and social care professionals and sought advice and support when needed. A member of staff told us how the work with professionals in health and social care, “There are situations when someone's health may deteriorate and they are not safe to mobilise with one carer. We inform the adult duty [social care] team and obtain approval for emergency double up carer support until a review is done and appropriate equipment is introduced.”

We saw good examples of how the provider had worked in partnership with local health and care services to ensure the delivery of high-quality care and support for people. Partners valued the support of the registered manager and the wider staff team. Feedback from one partner organisation said the following, "Dear [registered manager], I just wanted to thank you for the support and work you have provided in the [area}. I know the teams across the [area] have shared their positive experience they have had working with you and your team. It truly has been a collaborative approach. "

There were processes in place, and we saw evidence, that supported continuity of care for people when they moved through different systems. Collaborative working with community nurses addressed immediate staffing and discharge challenges for community-based care. The positive results from this work highlighted the potential for similar partnerships to enhance healthcare delivery in other local areas.


Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. Risk assessments were completed appropriately to ensure safe care and support. One person said, “[Love In Care staff] provide care as you would your own family.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs.

Staff had a good understanding of what to do to make sure people were protected from harm or abuse. We saw evidence that they had received safeguarding training. A member of staff told us, “I have access to the safeguarding policies that are in place. If there was suspected abuse taking place, I would inform my line manager who would take the matter further. If I need to inform relevant authorities, I would also do that.”

There were processes in place that kept people safe. The provider had worked to make sure these were followed and people were protected from potential abuse. Accidents and incidents were investigated, reviewed and analysed. Learning from incidents was shared across the organisation. The provider is required to notify CQC about specific events including safeguarding. During this inspection there had been a delay in sending some notifications to us in a timely manner. The provider took immediate action and identified learning and made improvements to their processes.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. Risk assessments were completed appropriately to ensure safe care and support. One person said, “[Love In Care staff] provide care as you would your own family.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs. One family member told us, "[The registered manager] gave us advice and information that enabled our family to manage and navigate our way through the health and care system."

Feedback from staff and the registered manager showed they understood people’s individual risks and worked with people to mitigate these as far as possible. Staff told us they had training to understand how to care for people safely and how to manage risks.

There were processes in place to ensure people’s care was delivered safely. People's detailed, personalised, up-to-date risk assessments set out identified risks, any support the person needed to manage these safely, instructions to staff about how to support the person accordingly. Care plan audits were undertaken to ensure information remained accurate and up to date, reducing the risks to people’s safety.

Safe environments

Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. Risk assessments were completed appropriately to ensure safe care and support. One person said, “[Love In Care staff] provide care as you would your own family.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs.

Staff confirmed they had received relevant training to use equipment safely and that any necessary equipment, such as for supporting people to move safely, was available to them. Staff had received health and safety training.

The provider had processes in place to ensure they reviewed health and safety requirements for the organisation. The registered manager made sure staff had received training to support people who had equipment in their homes, which included how it was cleaned, calibrated and safe. They understood what risk assessments were needed to make sure staff followed health and safety guidance.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. Risk assessments were completed appropriately to ensure safe care and support. One person said, “[Love In Care staff] provide care as you would your own family.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs. A family member told us, Love In Care have been the only care provider who have worked with us properly to plan and deliver the care {person] needs. The staff are knowledgeable and able to perform their jobs well."

Staff reported there were enough care workers to meet people's needs and they work together effectively to provide safe care that meets people’s individual needs. A member of staff told us, “The staffing levels are fine. People who required 2 staff get the right number of staff for their support needs.”

Staff were recruited safely and appropriate pre-employment checks were completed. Regular spot checks were carried out to review staff competence and practice. Rotas were well organised and the provider carried out analysis of their workforce to ensure the optimum number of staff were available to deliver care and support.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. Risk assessments were completed appropriately to ensure safe care and support. One person said, “[Love In Care staff] provide care as you would your own family.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs.

Conversations with staff confirmed they had access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and they received training on the safe use of PPE, hand hygiene and food hygiene.

There were clear policies and processes in place to monitor compliance with infection prevention and control (IPC). The provider carried out regular audits and checks on staff knowledge and compliance with IPC policies and use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

People told us they received safe care from a consistent staff team. Risk assessments were completed appropriately to ensure safe care and support. One person said, “[Love In Care staff] provide care as you would your own family.” People confirmed they received planned, person-centred support which was appropriate and inclusive. People told us there were enough staff available to support them when they needed assistance. People and relatives told us the provider was quick to respond to concerns and was easily contactable. People and relatives told us the registered manager was approachable and flexible to their needs. People received their medicines safely from trained and competent staff.

Staff told us that they received training in how to safely administer medication. Staff were able to confirm the process they would follow if there was a medication administration error. There was a culture of openness and honesty in the organisation which supported commitment to learning from incidents.

Medicines were administered safely. Clear policies and processes were in place that ensured safe administration of medicines. The provider carried out audits and reviews of medicines storage and administration.