- Care home
Acorn Lodge - Bournemouth
Report from 5 December 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Acorn Lodge is residential care home providing personal care to people with learning disabilities and autism. The service can support up to 9 people. At the time of our assessment 9 people were living at the service. The assessment took place between 12 December and 18 December 2024. This assessment consisted of quality statements under the key questions of safe, effective, caring and responsive. We assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether Acorn Lodge guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. The model of care maximised people’s choice, control and independence. Risks were assessed to help keep people safe and people were encouraged to participate in tasks which promoted their safety. Information was given to people in an accessible way to support choice and decision-making, for example throughout the home evacuation information was displayed in picture format and when asked by inspectors what this meant, people were able to explain what we should do if we see a fire. Care was person-centred and promoted people’s dignity, privacy and human rights. Care staff protected people’s dignity and treated people with kindness and respect. Staff told us they were valued and supported in their roles, including through specialist training, supervisions and team meetings. This helped them meet people’s needs.
People's experience of this service
People told us they felt safe and, without exception, each person we sought feedback from told us they were happy living at Acorn Lodge. Comments included, “Yes it’s good here, I like it” and, “I like living here, the staff look after me.” Feedback from people and staff told us there was a positive and open culture at Acorn Lodge. The registered manager was passionate about working in partnership with people to enable them to have a good quality of life. This vision of partnership working to support people to achieve their goals was embedded into both the staff team, and care practices at the service.