• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service


Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Harnham House, 134 Palatine Road,West Didsbury, Manchester, Lancashire, M20 3ZA (0161) 448 1851

Provided and run by:
Eleanor EHC Limited

Report from 9 December 2024 assessment



Updated 6 December 2024

We assessed all the quality statements from this key question. the rating from the last inspection, was inadequate. Our rating for this key question is good. There were effective governance systems and processes in place to ensure that the provider had appropriate oversight and monitoring of the care and treatment being provided. The systems and processes in place did assist staff in assessing, monitoring, and improving the quality and safety of the services provided. We found systems to address ligature risks, patient risks and fire safety checks were always actioned or recorded. The delivery of quality care was assured by the leadership and governance. There were performance management and audit systems and processes in place which ensured managers had up to date information on the performance of the service. Risks identified within action plans were reviewed or actioned.