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  • Homecare service

Caemac Investments Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

First Floor Suites, 9A & 9B Market Hall, The Arcade, Bedford, MK40 1NS (01234) 924928

Provided and run by:
Caemac Investments Limited

Report from 2 April 2024 assessment

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Updated 13 November 2024

The management and staff team had a clear vision for the service. Audits were in place to monitor the quality of the service and to make improvements if these were necessary. The management and staff team were passionate about supporting people.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The management team had a clear direction for the service and shared this with the staff team. They had successfully developed a positive culture which promoted and encouraged the staff team to put people first and spend their time supporting them in a person-centred way as much as possible. Staff enjoyed working at the service and this translated into good quality care and good experiences for people.

The management team discussed the culture and direction of the service with staff in team meetings and supervisions. They completed audits of people’s feedback to help ensure people were having good outcomes. One relative told us, ‘‘[Staff and management team] are great. So lovely and they clearly want what is best for [family member.]’’

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff told us they felt well supported by the management team and they felt the service was managed well. The management team were confident and capable in all areas of their job role and explained to us how they monitored the quality of the service. They talked about people with compassion and showed us how they continually asked for feedback and took people’s views on board when it came to decisions made about the service.

People and relatives spoke positively about the management team. One relative said, ‘‘[Management team] are just as caring as the staff who visit [family member]. They listen to us and are quick to make any changes we need. We could not be happier.’’ The management team completed audits and surveys to continually monitor the quality of the service.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff told us they were able to speak up both formally in meetings and supervisions and informally to the management team at any time. They were aware of how to speak up and report concerns if this was necessary. The management team reminded people and relatives of how to raise concerns on a regular basis.

People and relatives felt comfortable raising concerns if they had any. One relative said, ‘‘I have had no reason to complain, but I know if I did then things would be dealt with quickly.’’ Policies such as complaints and whistleblowing were readily available in various formats for people to use.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff were positive about working for the service and felt well supported by the management team. They gave us examples of how they had been supported to work flexibly in line with their own personal lives and how this had a positive impact for them.

The provider’s recruitment policy and practice was fair and inclusive. Staff told us the management team were compassionate and gave them opportunities to discuss the support they needed in their job roles.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff were knowledgeable about their jobs and spoke confidently about what they had learned in their training and how they used this when supporting people. The management team told us and showed us evidence of how they audited and monitored the service. These were effective in identifying improvements. One relative said, ‘‘I would say the service is very well managed. There doesn’t seem to be any issues, and everything runs smoothly.’’

The management team completed audits and put plans in place to drive improvements at the service based on these audits. These had been effective at identifying where action could be taken to improve people’s experiences.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People and relatives told us staff helped their relatives if other professionals were involved in their care. One relative explained, ‘‘[Family member] has support from other [professionals] too and the staff team always work well with them.’’

Staff told us how they reviewed advice from professionals and recorded this in people’s care records and plans. The management team explained they currently did not support people who needed staff to help them access the community. However, they had plans in place to do this when it happens in the future.

We did not receive any feedback from professionals as part of this assessment. However, we reviewed evidence that showed staff followed professionals’ advice to help keep people safe.

Processes were in place to work with professionals and communities. For example, staff were made aware of contact details for other services in case they needed to support people to access these.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff told us they were supported to learn lessons and any incidents or accidents were discussed in meetings to see if improvements to practice could be made. The management team used audits to put service improvement plans in place. These had been effective in driving improvements at the service.

The service had improved since our last assessment and was no longer in breach of regulations. People and relatives were positive about their experiences. Relative’s comments included, ‘‘We could not be without the service. [Staff] are exactly what [family member] needed to be able to stay at home and this has made them very happy.’’ and ‘‘[Staff] are fantastic. They have made such a difference to [family member] and to us.’’